Ep 7 – The Haircut Episode?

​Will iTunes ever have enough data to rate the podcast? How much is an Asian baby worth on the black market? Who had the worse haircut during high school and college? What is Chad playing on his mini SNES? Does anyone really know where Ohio is? Is it rude to eat while waiting in a buffet line? Why aren’t there casinos everywhere? When is it appropriate to leave a tip? All this and more on The Haircut Episode?!!!!

Warning: A very in-depth but not very in-depth discussion of the mini SNES and various RPG’s begins at the 9:40 mark, so feel free to skip ahead to the 18:50 mark to if you’re not into being a total nerd and dork.

Ep 6 – The Jobs Episode

Will the podcast get sued? How BS is astronomy? What is a podcast fact? Did Chad’s cat pee on the box? Will these two ever talk about the jobs they held before they graduated from college? Which was a worse job, Chad’s pump repair job or Morris’s ice cream scooping job? Will they ever solve who stole those paintings from the museum? All this and more on The Jobs Episode!

Ep 5 – The Dining Hall Job Episode

How much can two people talk about pizza? What makes Target better than Walmart? Costco food court tips? Costco food court tips! Who was the Pizza Nazi? Why did college kids try so hard working at a dining hall? Is there such a thing as a nacho bar? What was Morris saving all of his money for? What’s fining dining really like? All this and more on The Dining Hall Job Episode!